Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Becky, this one's for you!!!

The Sting in the Vine!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Peacock Chair Flies Home!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
'Fess Up Time!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Found Beatrix!!

Freebies and RAK Registry

Thursday, March 15, 2007
The Lord Remembered Hannah

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Antique Pattern Library
What brings us there? This website of freebies...which you have to tag on your favorites list. The charts for counted cross stitch are so fabulous and the books themselves are treasures to read. Please go to The Antique Pattern Library and see for yourself. Karin from NV posted it to our TGOSM group chat. She got it from another group. All that can be said is, whomever originally found it is awesome! A big thanks to her/him!!! Sorry I can't upload an image for you...you'll just have to go peek yourself. :)) And, dream a little dream with me. Comments, please!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Organizing Stash
Evening Bookgroup

Sunday, March 11, 2007
HAED News!

I forgot to say that I got some Heaven and Earth charts this weekend and I'm so happy about them. Didn't get this one pictured, but it is cute. I put it here for my daughter to see because she is a big fan of mermaids. The ones I bought are by Selina Fenech..."Dark Waters," and a couple of her others, then a Ravencroft design. I'm really fond of Ravencroft's elves and fairies because they have attitudes!
Any others of you have favorite HAED artists? Any tips on stitching?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Saturday at the Flea Market
Then, we came home, DH cooked a supper of chilean sea bass for us which was yummy with lots of fresh lemon. He watched some show about the Dark Ages while I kitted up CHS "...Hawk Run..." and started stitching that. Clara, who had enjoyed her flea market jaunt, sacked out on the lap quilt at my feet. And all was well that ended well. Hope you had a good Sat., too.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Meeting with Stitching Friends
The Hidden Children
Taken from her mother and father when she was only months old, returned sporadically, then taken for years when she was 2 yrs. old to a safe house in Belgium where a brave French woman secreted her to a convent in France. Nuns hid her, gave her a name, and a birthday/French name day, and taught her all she knew...she was lonely and had no physical comforting. Kept hidden from the world, she never knew other children. Hunger was her constant companion along with cold and fear. She was never to go anywhere unless accompanied by the nun assigned to her, she slept on a cot and they rarely washed or changed her clothes. She grew up having several names, not knowing her parents or grandparents, with no friends, no formal education except memorized Catholic religion, she was always hungry and afraid. She didn't know what a jew was, and she didn't know she was one. When she was about 5 yrs. old she was taken in the middle of the night to a French farm where she lived with a kind family with a child near her age, with food and comfort for almost a year...she was able to see her mother briefly, and she knew her first happiness.
Her mother was then taken to Auschwitz; her father was already at Dachau. The French neighbors became nosy and curious, so she was removed in the middle of the night to a children's orphanage and reform school back in Belgium where she was treated like a criminal child. There she stayed until her mother was able to survive the Camp with the War over and come to get her. Her mother was very sick, and her grandmother, who had also survived, along with this little girl, lived in Germany with very little to eat, sweaters her mother knitted from the yarn of old rugs she washed and dried and cut into strips, and they kept warm by a coal stove. Her father, who had also survived, took a refugee ship to America...which was not allowed to dock...it docked in Canada. He made his way, eventually to the USA, and then sent for them when the little girl was an early teen. She never had had one day of an education. Yet, she went to school in the US as a middle-schooler...the school taught her from 1st to 8th grades in one year. She graduated from high school, and was accepted to a college on a special "verbal" basis, where she graduated with honors. Today she is a part of the historic Holocaust Museum record in Washington, DC, on the Hidden Children. She rarely tells her story, and she shared today that even her own children never learned of her sad and terrifying childhood until they were adults.
Today, when I think of the girls and women in the history of the world, all that we have done as mothers, wives, women and children...I am humbled by such children as those that suffered and lived during those times in WWII.
It makes me introspective and prayerful about the children today who suffer so much in our country with parents who abuse them, with predators who harm them, natural catastrophes that take their homes, war that takes their daddy's and mommy's away, and so on... And, I think about the children around the world who suffer because of wars and terror, and famine.
Then, I thank God for the brave women who risked their lives to shelter and hide this one little girl in Belgium and France. And, I thank God for all the brave women and children across time and nations who have that spark of nurturing life inside who know the same knowledge that speaks to us, "Every child's life is important. Save the children." or "my sister's life is important and precious, or my brother's life...." And I remember the pictures of children holding children in war-torn regions and I am saddened more and more that there is war...I am against war.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Anyway, hope you enjoy my decoupage!
Update on Ackworth Quaker Posts
Thank you so much, Katrina! You have really been a friend with your comments and a help as I've been setting up this new blog. Also, I was interested to learn that perhaps the owner of Criss Cross Row has had some personal problems and this may account for the lack of proper follow-up with my order. So, I'm able to give them the benefit of the doubt there. I appreciate your setting me straight on that, as well.
It's a good feeling to know you can put out a call for help to stitching friends and get someone to hear you!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Ackworth School Quaker Post

I had ordered the chart from Criss Cross Row (online shop) over a month ago, but they basically have not sent it, and have been telling me they did send it for the last 2 weeks...Not!! So, I had to cancel my order...not trusting them anymore.
Anybody know where I can find the chart to order it???? I really appreciate your help.
Easter's Coming

Here's my working list for March:

Monday, March 5, 2007
Going to the Beach

Sunday, March 4, 2007
The Gift of Stitching Magazine

Saturday, March 3, 2007
To All Harry Potter Readers!
So, here I am out hunting at 2AM on the web and find this Harry Potter Compatibility Quiz. So much fun. And, I score as Dumbledore! I can only believe this since I'm probably the typical old poop and not your young and flippant Hermione type. :( But, on the other hand, I love Dumbledore as much as the next person, and I can live with this.
Have you all tried this quiz? What really worries me is that I'm more like Voldemort than Ron!!! How on earth did that happen? Ron is so solid and reliable...I may need to take an evaluation of myself. And, I have such an affection for Luna Lovegood.....yet it seems we have so little in common. For the life of me I can't even remember Oliver Wood, and he and I would be able to understand so many things! I'm going to need to read up on him, I guess. And, then there's Harry. At least he understands me. Thank Goodness for Harry!
You scored as Albus Dumbledore.
You are very wise, observant, and analyctical. You have a very "well-organized" mind, which makes you function in a calm and fair manner. Though you get angered easily, its rare of you to ever act our of temper. You are constantly seeing the good in people and are naturally forgiving because of it. You're easy to please and a great person to learn from.
Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter
Oliver Wood
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Lord Voldemort
Ron Weasley
Percy Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Severus Snape
Bellatrix Lestrange
Draco Malfoy
"Harry Potter Character Combatibility Testcreated with QuizFarm.com
Friday, March 2, 2007
The English Have It!

"The Promise List"