Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is always Jessica Day in our family. I saw my daughter, Jessica, in a dream before she was born. In the dream, her daddy was holding her and she had very dark curly hair, a white frilly dress w/red ribbons on, and ruffly baby pants with the words "Daddy's Little Valentine" embroidered in red across the bottom. In those days, we had none of the tests available to delight couples ahead of time with the sex of their child. We just had to wait and see when everybody else found out. But, since I have at least a shot-glass full of the ancient blood of Cherokee wisewomen flavoring my veins, it occasionally rises up (when I least expect it) and charms even me with a visionary dream. Thus, when Jessica was born with very dark, very curly hair and became instantly and particularly attached to her daddy...she was forever "Daddy's Little Valentine." Jessica is 34 yrs. old now. She, I, and her brothers sadly lost her daddy to cancer when she was 9 yrs. old, but he is never forgotten. We particularly remember him today...every year. And, we particular take this day to acknowlege what a wonderful blessing and gift Jessica is to us and to everyone whose life she touches. If anyone ever had a heart--it's Jessica.

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