This is my professional pic. for interior design. Believe me, I don't look like this on a daily basis. I'm more the throw on my jeans and golf shirts nowdays, or whatever is comfy for stitching and watching late, old movies. Also, I'm ordinarily a dark auburn-haired girl, but decided to try blond in Southwest FL. I'm back to dark hair now.
Do any of you like books on tape? I listen to them when I stitch. The current one in my player is: Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. The review says:
" The past comes to life in this big, densely plotted novel from Kate Mosse. The hunt for the Grail is taken up by a modern woman whose search is illuminated by her sense of the past and by her ancestress whose own tragic story is part of the romance." It's rich in detail and description, as well as mystery.
Isn't that book brilliant. I listened to it around a year ago and I'm going to listen to it again soon. I LOVED it plus I love your stitching especially the Christmas ornie you have already done - it's one of my favorites.
I'm just working my way through your posts Deb. Was it a blast from the past to see a comment on this one? lol
Anyway.....books on tape....I LOVE them! Can't get enough of them. I love to stitch and I love to read but story tapes are the only way I can do both at once plus there's nothing so decadant than having someone read you the story, I think. Bliss!
I've got a hard copy of labirynth here that Alex bought for me, waiting to be read. It's the deluxe edition with pictures and notes and little extras and it's just so lush! Can't wait to get it started, I've heard good things about it.
BTW, do you like Diana Gabaldon? I've got all her books on CD.
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