Start Stitching for Christmas!
I may be early, but all this talk of snow on my online stitching groups has gotten me worried about Christmas 2007, and will I be ready! I remember the days of being snowed in in New England, I lived in Sturbridge, MA. It was a day to curl up with a lap quilt, drag over the stitching stand and work on a sampler or piece of needlepoint, or knitting. It's especially nice to knit in cold weather, and I miss that down here where knitting is almost strange! You have hardly anywhere to wear a knitted piece, except maybe a shawl or light sweater at night.
At any rate, I'm starting my Christmas smalls. The first is this piece by Fancy Works called: "Christmas 2002 - There is no Rose."
You can see a better pic. and more charts on House of Stitches. Started it last night, and kitted it up with my own choice of DMCs. I'll post mine when it's finished. I'm hoping to stitch all of the Fancy Works Christmas pieces to frame together this year. My other goal is to stitch the Told in a Garden freebie angels. Who can resist these elegant designs?
So, while you ponder on a snowy day, it's probably not too early to think about stitching smalls to make a lovely framed piece for next Christmas!
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