My Blog Workspace

I wonder sometimes where each of us writes our blog. So, I thought I'd add these pictures of my computer center. It's stationed in my kitchen, which is both convenient and, yet, gives me no room for closing the doors if we have company. My life is bare to the world!! :o Actually, I'm working on this in my older age (57 yo); that is, I'm working on not being concerned about what anyone thinks when they see my messy house. I've tried so long to be a really good housekeeper and do all the other things expected of me; actually, that I've expected of myself, that I've realized I may have been putting way too much pressure on myself to perform!! So, now I've decided, "love me, love my mess!" Or, as a very wise therapist once said to me, "So..are they paying your mortgage?!" And, with are two horrible pictures: one with bad lighting, and one on its side. Oh, well!
Hi Debi -- it's nice to read your blog and see some pictures of your workspace, your stitching and your collectons. It brings back many memories of our fun days together when you lived "up North"!
I enjoyed your late night trip to France and do agree that they have some wonderful blogs and websites. There are many things that catch my eye on those sites.
Hugs, Deb
I loved seeing your photos and agree with your comments.
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