I'm having a rather strange month. I'm doing alot of stitching, not much finishing...as many of you know, finishing isn't my forte'. Sometimes I wonder if you really even want to see my things and ideas for completion because I'm probably not going to actually finish them until I get a small batch of things together and take them all at once to the finisher. Oh well, I'm going to post the stitching anyway, I guess. I feel very lonely when no one comments on my blog for weeks, so I think I have to have a new attitude about the blog...I think I have to consider it a memorykeeper for my stitching, as well as a place others can take a peek at from time to time.
Friendships I have made through the blogs mean so much to me, and have opened up a whole new world of friendships, so much so that I miss your comments and faces when they aren't here. I don't know you've been here, or what you're thinking if you don't post. I'm realizing how very much you all mean to me, and it's nice! Nearly every day I check your blogs to see what's going on in your minds and stitching hands and homes. It's like a little visit with friends that keep
Well, here's some of my progress on stitching so far: Here at the left is my "Three Emblems" that I'd mentioned in a previous blog message. I like it much better now that it's all stitched! What I want to do is back it in this lavender mat with a cut-out for a sort of pincushioned center in the frame. I want a framed pincushion, in other words. So I can stick my stitching needles in it instead of the arm of my velvet sofa! LOL I decided on this frame because it looks simple, but French with the ribbon motif. Adding the royal bee in the middle enhances Mary Queen of Scots' french heritage a bit more... and I'm having the finisher put pearls at the four corners to give a nod to the English, as well.
Here is a needlepoint stitchery of mine which I just found in my stash buried away, and have to revise a bit. It needs some more of the pink stitching to surround it for turning to finish it...and I have to find a way to emphasize the eyes more. Any suggestions for doing that?
It's called the "Flying Santa" and will be suspended on a post with ribbons and bells, etc. Actually has alot going on, and if I were to start this one again, I would try to find a way to make the toy sack stand out more. But, it was such fun to stitch, and I think it came out really cute. My DD is itchy to have him for Christmas.
Hope you'll stop and leave me a note, I so appreciate your every comment, and just to know you're there! Happy stitching! Hugs! Deb
Oh MY!!! I may have to get that AMAP as well. I love the pocket :)
Three Emblems looks great! Congratulations :)
Love all your stitching bits and pieces. I have that AMAP piece too, got it for my birthday, I just need to order the silks for it.
Lovely stitching, Deb! I love AMAP too.
Believe me, I do my best to comment as often as I can :)
BTW, it's weird because I did post comments to your previous posts. maybe they got lost - that happens with Blogger sometimes - but I see you moderate comments. Are you sure you haven't disabled email notification for new comments?
Hi there- I've come across your blog and love your stitching. I saw you post on the Chatelaine group. I'm doing the St. Petersburg White Nights. I love your "And They Sinned", that's in my stash but have no idea when I'll get to it. I'd love it if you stopped by my blog ;)
Lovely new stash! I love how you did up The Three Emblems too - nice colors!!
Deb, Hello You are on my almost daily and sometimes twice daily blog check list! I love your blog and enjoying seeing all that you're stitching. I think about you and the other sisters in sin (ATS SAL) often. I can relate to having few and far between comments. My blog isn't two weeks old yet and I only have two, maybe three people reading it. I hope with time that changes. I'll watch your blog for posts and if you ever want to chat further, you can email me at homerhobbsgracie@sbcglobal.net
I love your Three Emblems idea. I wouldn’t have ever thought of making a framed pin cushion. I usually use the arm of my chair or weave the needles through my shirt! I try to remove them before they go into the wash, but I don’t always remember!
Happy Stitching – Julie
I love rqeading your blog and I apologise for not commenting. I always assume that because I don't blog (yet!) I can't comment. But I'm going to try. Your work is beautiful,thank you for sharing it. I agree with what you said about blog reading being like a little visit with friens soagain thanks for being there! Nancy in NY
I'm sorry for not commenting. I always assume that because I don't blog (yet!) I can't comment but I'm going to try. I love reading your blog. I agree with what you said about blog reading being like a visit with friends. Thanks for sharing! Nancy in NY
Hey Deb! Thank you so much for visiting my blog :)
I've got you on my bloglines and I'll be back with every new post ;)
So you've made a friend in me! LOL!
Your projects are glorious! I love that AMAP that you just got...I had a friend give me that chart...so tell me I've been thinking on buying some charts from her...is it hard to get them? I've looked and looked at her website salivating over them...and I LOVE THAT FREEBIE!
Hugs dearie...and like Arnold says..."I'll be back" :)
Ok, where to start?.........Well, firstly, now that I've found you, I'll keep visiting until you tell me to stop, lol. I always leave a comment for every blog I visit, every time, so you'll know when I've been snooping, lol.
Now, I LOVE the pics. It's what makes the difference between a good blog and a great one for me. I need lots of eye candy, so keep posting the pics. Whether it's progress or finished I love them all. I'm nosey that way, hehehe.
I love your MQOS framed piece! I used that chart for my first biscornu, it's a lovely piece to stitch.
I feel for you with the photographing of the Taj Mahal, I always feel the same when I take pics of my Medieval Mandala, it never seems to look as good in a pic when I try to get the colours. Your TM is looking great so far though :) And I agree that Martina's designs are a joy to stitch. I don't know if it's the colours, or that it comes in manageable chunks, or if it's the silks used.....or something else, but they ARE lovely to work on.
The flying Santa is really sparkly! Very cute! I'm not great at improv on charts but when in doubt I always backstitch in 'dark' lol. Whatever you decide will be lovely, I know it.
Take care and I'll 'see' you tomorrow probably :D
Three Emblems is very pretty!
Just thought I'd drop in and say "hi" ... I've been very guilty of skimming blogs over recent months are hardly ever leaving comments ... something I'm trying to slowly fix :) Your latest pieces are gorgeous, but I will especially love watching your progress on Taj :D I have that one in my stash, but it's still quite low down in my priorities yet ... mind you your progress might change my mind ;) I promise to try to comment more! :D
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