Meanwhile, I am soothed somewhat by the fact that Lois at Elegant Stitch has reserved a space for me in the up-coming Bright Needle--"The Lady's Collection," online class!!! I'm so tickled! I love this piece! It's going to be such fun to work on for the Spring, and remi

(Connie, this doesn't mean I've forgotten our "little girls" pictured at the top, either! These have to be started in Splendor silks. We are praying for a third little girl someday in the grandbaby department. So, I hope the Stork will not be too tired of making trips for Grammie in the coming years!)
The piece at top is by MIL in her Butternut Road collection....which you can see on her Told in the Garden website.
Hugs and happy stitching hours, Deb in FL Thanks you for stopping by! :))
Your title cracks me up!
Blogland does have its share of frustrations, but it's worth it for all the friendships that it fosters. :)
How exciting about the online class! What a wonderful design.
Just sent you an email about the comments. I do hope you can retrieve them all :) Hugs :) ♥
Both those projects look great, Deb! Congrats on the soon-to-arrive grandbaby. :)
You are so lucky, that looks like a real neat class.
Congratulation on the new grandbaby!
Hi Deb! We congratulations on another grandbaby :) I know my Mom adores all of hers and loves it when a new one arrives :)
That class your taking looks fabulous! How wonderful those are!!!!
Can't wait to see your progress on them :)
And Flying the Kite is one of my most favorite MIL designs...Good luck finishing that one too!
Good Morning, testing the system. Please let me know if you get this!
Bummer! No suggestions but I hope you get things figured out soon. I have the lady's collection, haven't stitched it yet but I have it :-).
Congrats on the new grandbaby.
Hi Deb~
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! It has led me back to yours and helped me now to make a new blogging friend! I have loved reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful stitching you do. Your work is just gorgeous and I'm looking forwards to coming back and seeing your inspiring progress!
I signed up for the class too! I can't wait!! :)
oh, that Brightneedle is darling!
woohoo for getting a spot in class-
I can't wait to see yours :)
Oh MY!! What a wonderful class to take part in! I can't wait to see your pics :)
Thought I'd swim over from the mermaid sanctuary and take a peek at your blog! Your stitching is beautiful. Good luck with your class - I hope it goes well for you and can't wait to see the pics afterwards. Take care, Nicola x
Looks like your comments may be working again. Congrats on getting into the Brightneedle class - it looks like a beautiful piece. By the Way, I've been enjoying The Secret too, just went to a workshop on it.
The Lady's Collection looks so pretty!
Well, here's hoping that you get another girl grandbaby, because the Catch the Wind design will be stunning in the silks!!! Thanks for the heads up, sorry it took me so long to find it. I have been way behind in reading blogs since I was on vacation!! Hope your comment poster thingie is working better now!!
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