This is the very beautiful and wonderous work of Sara Butcher which is converted to cross stitch by Heaven and Earth Designs. I know most of you know HAED. But have you visited Sara's blog? You can find her at the above site and then click onto "visit the artist."
Also a newbie site to me is Renee's http://blog.blondelibrarian.net/ she is such a treat to read. Anybody who is an Anne Rice fan and loves Lestat is a fan of mine!!
My best stitching friend, Deb from CT, has decided to join us in blogland with her new blog at http://cattailsneedle.blogspot.com/ . Please give her a big welcome when you stop by. She's a stitcher extraordinaire, but has to get her pics up. She leaves me in the dust with her stitching capacity!! :[ But, I love her to bits, and she has lots of good investigative skills...freebies...webshops...new stash, etc.. :)
Everybody who is a stitcher probably knows this is coming out May 1st. I've already ordere

Thanks for stopping by! Hugs to all my stitching friends,
Deb in FL
Lavender Rose
PS: Nearly forgot: I'm working to get my Neighborhood RR together by June! If any of you has any Chartmakers Tombstone Angels you'd like to sell or trade with me, could you please email me?? I'm having trouble finding them. Thanks.
Thanks to all of you for your ATS encouragement! I'm crawling along with it. But you make me feel so accomplished!!
I'll send you an e-mail re. tombstone angels! Thanks for all the links, Deb. Those will certainly keep me from my work. Thanks!
The new Sara Butcher is so pretty. I love her pieces. Thanks for letting us know about Deb's blog. I'm on my way to check it out. :)
Yes, Nora's newest is another stunner. Debating if I'm going to get her now or wait ;)
Nora certainly has her designing mojo going these days! Her newest mermaid is amazing. I can only just imagine how it would look in RL, with all the beads and treasure braid she loves to use.
Hey, welcome to our Neighbourhood RR! You're in my group!!!
I have to admit, that new Mermaid of Nora's is a real stunner ... first one of her designs that's been a 'must-have' for a while for me. Your latest stash looks great too - look forward to seeing your stitch some of it up :D
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