Don't you find so many of the new groups have questionnaires asking which mags. you read regularly? My favorite is really "The Gift of Stitching Magazine," like I said, because there's nothing like it. But, I also regularly purchase "Samplers and Antique Needlework," "Quilting Arts," "Needlepoint Now," "Dollmaking," "Somerset Studio," "Vogue Knitting," etc...,and these you see here. "The World of Cross Stitch," which the Jane Austen chart was in is consistently good, too, IMHO.
What are your favorites?? Let's share.
PS: I think this is a better pic of my "Coverlet" progress, too. Here you can see the woven effect I'm trying to achieve better with the Needle Necessities overdyed thread.
Hi Deb! Your stitching on the Colonial Coverlet is gorgeous!! Wow!
I don't often get stitching magazines, unless I see on some blogs that they are very good. I love the JCS Christmas Ornaments issue, and in France I buy De Fil en Aiguille when it's interesting (the last one I bought was the Christmas issue). As for sewing magazines, I much prefer pattern envelopes, for a variety of reasons. I would love to have the opportunity of looking at a Vogue sewing magazine some day, though. I don't believe they have patterns in it, it seems more like sewing advice and sytle ideas. Must be very inspiring. :)
Deb, I only just found your blog and wanted to say I love it! The picture of your favourite magazines made me quite jealous, though. We can't get any of those in The Netherlands!
OOOH, that's a lovely piece you are working on :)
Deb, the Colonial Coverlet is beautiful. I love the thread color you’re using. I’m glad all the blog problems are gone and you’re again receiving comments. Take care and have a wonderful week - Julie
Thanks for the compliments on my Coverlet piece, girls! I'm enjoying it. When this particular one is stitched, I only have the smallies to do...then I can get them finished into all the sewing collection!! I'm glad you like hard to tell if it's coming out well when you're so close to it for a while. Hugs, Deb
Your coverlet looks beautiful, Deb. My favorite magazines are the ones from the UK. :) Thanks for the aida package. Very generous of you!
How can I get back to your blog for frequent viewing??? Love your projects.
Hi Deb, I see you enjoy similiar magazines to me, only here in New Zealand they usually arrive about 3 months after they hit the shops in the US and the UK. My favourites would be Just Cross Stitch, and two British ones, the Cross Stitcher and World of Cross Stitching.
I'm quite lucky as I have a friend who works in a bookstore and she always passes on any unwanted stitching or papercraft magazines, hence, I have boxes full and don't want to get rid of them incase I need them for something, lol.
Love your coverlet Deb. It's gorgeous. You really are getting a woven effect, very pretty.
That coverlet is coming along great! Such neat stitching!
My mag likes/dislikes is really simple......I love the USA mags and could care less about the UK ones, lol. That's typical of me, the one's I'm surrounded by, I don't want, heheh.
I used to love the UK 'Cross Stitcher' but lately I'm more drawn to the US patterns and they're not very big here so my fave mag has to be the online one 'The gift of stitching'. I love that one!!
I used to find nice charts in the 'World of Cross Stitch' but I don't get on very well with coloured charts and a lot of them were coloured in it. I quite like 'Mary Hickmotts' mags but I don't know if you get that one there.
Are the UK one's very expensive over there?
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