When you pick up truly a fine silk to work with like Au Ver a Soie....you know it's for a different type of needlework altogether. It is so delicate (but strong!) and silky to the touch. The quality is just lush and superior. I'm going to love working with it for the "Berthe...Sampler."
The central floral wreath is a blend of silks of different types, DMC and Anchor flosses. I used regular cross stitches, eyelets, french knots, and smyrna crosses. Once the wreath is finished, Marie Antoinette's initials and her birthdate will be stitched inside it. Cherubs will be on either side of the wreath with golden rose trimmers and silky ribbon-like garments flowing. On either side of them will be large, stone urns with rose bushes in them to symbolize the Hapsburg summer gardens.
I want this upper section of the Sampler to symbolize the Young Marie, a Princess of the Hapsburgs Empire. Austrian born and raised, 18 yrs. old, and newly promised to the Young Duphin of France.... It is to show her youth and innocence, a touch of her homeland, and a glimmer of the hope that young girls carry in their childlike spirits for marriage, beauty and romance. So, there will be other, spot items and treasures added.
The gold lace/ribbon at the bottom of the picture shows the division of the Sampler as it will progress, and where Marie's time at the French Court begins and moves along. I'll be developing this section as I go on later.
A couple of you have asked where to get this "Marie Antoinette Sampler." I'm flattered!! It's bearly started, and it's just my own design. Once it's finished...if it turns out okay, I don't mind sharing it with you. Right now it's just a "create as you go" project for me.
Sending love and hugs to all of you! And, thank you for so many sweet comments about Hadley, the little lambie! :)
Oh....nearly forgot:
I'm so delighted that I finished...for all intents and purposes....just have my name to finish...my block on Glenna's Neighborhood RR!!! I had such fun with it. The ribbon at the base is ruched velvet in that bittersweet red color that's in the flowers above it. I'm hoping a diversion from straight XS will be okay with Glenna. Her Neighborhood was just crying out for a "happening!"
Wow Deborah... Your projects and your stitching are exquisite!! Congrats on finishing that lovely RR block. It's adorable!
Your Marie Antoinette sampler is going to be stunning. Actually, it already is :o)
Love your RR block on Glenna's RR too!
Gorgeous silks for your upcoming project. And I have to agree with Annemarie - your MA sampler is already stunning. WOW!
I can't get over your thought and devotion to this MA sampler Deb...it's already gorgeous and you just got started...the whole thing shall be a work of beauty!
Deb, I love the colors of the silk for your new project! It's going to be beautiful!! Your MA sampler is coming along beautifully! I'm so amazed by your talent! :)
Wow, Deb, I love how your Marie Antionette sampler is looking. I am so looking forward to seeing your progress on it. You have an incredible talent:)
MA is coming along so beautiful!!!
the colors are gorgeous for the sampler I too love those silks!!
Hugs Wanda
Your sampler is exquisite, Deb. I'm looking forwards to watching you progress!
That is just gorgeous! I can't wait to see more.
Hadley is such a cutie!
I am LOVING your MA Sampler. I would so love to have one for myself!! I'm really enjoying watching it progress and the meaning behind each of the decisions you make.
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