Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and words of encouragement for Jessica as she is walking this path about her little "trifecta." (I think I got it right that time! Yay!) She's going to get through this weekend, and she'll get a call from her nurse on Monday evening to hear the results of the IVF. I'll blog the results to you right away so you'll know, too. Meanwhile, just want you to know how much more at peace she has been and how you have lifted her heart with your notes of friendship and caring. It's made all the difference, and she calls me every night to tell me how many of you have left a note for her. Thank each and every one of you.
I'm leaving for Las Vegas to see my son, David, my DIL, and my darling little grandson, Jack, on Tuesday. And, I won't be home until Nov. 26th. So, this will be my last real blog for a while. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and need some time off. But, I'll be back full force when I do come back...with lots to share with you.
I hope all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving...even my wonderful friends in Europe. I'll be thinking and being thankful for all of you this year. You've made my life so full and so charming. Your lives and your stories and stitchery has colored my life so much. What did I ever do without you before!!??
Hugs and love,
Hi Deb. Sorry I have not visited or commented for a while. I know what you mean by life getting a little busy. Enjoy that handsome new grandson!!! Happy to have you with us on Paradigm SAL. Hope you get some stitching done. Take care of yourself girl
Hi Deborah! I just happened to stumble upon your blog and it's excellent. I like your style of writing. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family in advance.:)
Have a lovely break Deborah. I'll be thinking of Jessica this weekend and keeping everything crossed for her.
Ah, Monday's the big news day. My fingers and toes remain tightly crossed. :)
Your upcoming Thanksgiving trip to see your son and his family sounds so wonderful. I wish I could surprise my mom with a trip home. Enjoy - and soak that new grandbaby right up!!! :D
Have a wonderful trip to see your son, DIL and beautiful new grandson. Please say hi to Juls for me when you see her too:)
I'll be thinking of Jessica and praying with all my heart.
Your PS angel is beautiful:)
Happy Thanksgiving, Deb! Glad to see you are having a break
Deb--you have a magical Thanksgiving with that new little grandbaby! And just wanted to say thanks so much for reminding me that I, too, have these PS Angels paired with some black linen whispering to me from below the bookshelf/hutch....maybe I'll have to pull them out! Have a wonderful trip!
Travel safe & enjoy the baby! Can't wait to see the pictures. Keep us posted! Fingers, toes hands, arms, feet, it's all crossed for Jessica!
Have a great trip, and hope to see your stitching progress when you get back!
Deb, your angel is beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful trip! Hope to see you when get back! :)
Travel safely. And a happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!!
These are adorable designs, charming choice. Btw, Congratulations on the addition to the family.
I thought of you Thursday and remembered that you were going to get to see your new grandson. I know that was a wonderful day!
I just love those angels. I've been searching for that pattern. They are so pretty on the black! Great start!
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