I saw after the fact that I had some sequin slippage on my "Marie" Sampler! LOL Just wanted to tell all of you thank you so much for your encouraging comments. It's great to do this with you looking on....
The roses above are from a French garden. Imagine this is one of the colored roses Marie Antoinette had...

Here is a picture of the Hapsburg Crest. This was the Crest even of Marie's time. Isn't it stunning!? Don't be surprised if you see something of it in my Sampler.
I find the whole concept of family crests fascinating. I love the pictoral link to the names.
That rose is gorgeous. Just the thing for a cold, gray day!
I love the colour of that rose. Reminds me of summer:)
I'm enjoying the "grand procession" on your MA sampler, Deb! Really fascinating.
Hi Deb,
Thanks for the mail!
Oh I'm sorry that I forgot to left my blog address, didn't I?!
This time I should write it down not to forget! lol
Mine is...
My PC has problems and have to send this to repair center... sigh
By the way, this rose is sooooooooo beautiful!!!
I love roses, this yellow roses are speciall!!
Beautiful rose!!!!
Also love the progress on your MA sampler! I also think the crest would be great stitched up on it's own......
What a pretty rose! That family crest will be a wonder to stitch. Even when we went to France for long periods, I ended up studying other periods of history than the Revolution. Maybe next time I'll make it out to Versailles.
Good luck with the grandkid(s).
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