All I can say at the moment is that I must really be on overload this past couple of weeks. I'm so exhausted in mind and body. Too much going on...too little of me to spread around.
Jessica, my DD, has gotten her IVF transfer with her what she now calls her "little Triumphorette", and we are now on pins and needles waiting until Nov. 20th to find out if she's pregnant. She is hoping for twins, or a baby or Triplets (note the 2 T's)...she and Kevin would be delighted with anything the Lord would give them. I explained to her that she has to get used to waiting...that's the name of the game in motherhood! It's been a difficult 2 years for her, and we really hope she and her husband are blessed this time. When the other times didn't work, she really took it very hard. I'm feeling anxious for and about her because, she's my baby. You can see her picture on Nicole's blog (Island Breeze). I'm going to search around for a better one of her to post on mine!
I haven't been sleeping well at all. My insomnia has really gotten so bad, though I try to "gear down" every night in hopes I can get sleepy like ordinary people. I've always been a night owl...all my life...so I guess it's just gotten worse with time and age. I do love to stitch at night and to watch old movies while I'm stitching. But it would really be healthy for me if I could just sleep!! I'm now wondering if Harmien's McGoblins have flown to my house for a visit and are keeping me awake! "Out, out, Dark Spots!!" to loosely quote the Bard.
My favorite, latest old movies are: Fanny and Alexander by Ingemar Bergman, which is a must see for everyone on earth for so many reasons; Night and Day with Cary Grant, and Night of the Hunter with Shelley Winters and Robert Mitchum. That "Night of the Hunter" scared the pants off of me.... I really cried all through "Night and Day." Cary Grant can break your heart when he wants to.
My latest book find is: The Temple Dancer, A Novel of India by John Speed. Booklist said: "Speed conducts a dazzling tour of 17th century India. Lavish and lush...mesmerizing...Chock-full of sex, suspense and peril...this yarn will transport readers to a vanished time and place."
I've just started it, but I'm hooked. This isn't the usual type of novel I read, but after a bit of pre-reading in Border's Book's new Seattle's Best coffee shop with a cup of very latte, latte and a spinach egg and cheese omelet -muffin... it had so reminded me of "The Far Pavilions" by MM Kaye, which is one of my all-time favorite books, that I had to take it home.The sequel to this book is now out in hardback. It's to be a trilogy. John Speed (cool name..) spent many years writing the book, and many years in India....I'm wondering if he's been Undercover???? and now lives quietly in CA with his dogs. Imagine Nelson DeMille writing about ancient India's temple dancers and lovers...
Could any and all of you who are interested in a SAL with the Glendon "Pretty Pumpkins" email me? I'm asking someone to set a site up for us. I'm stitching more on mine tonight. Here's a picture of the pitiful start I made at Martha's Steamy Sunday Stitching group. I assume you've already seen the pics from Nicole's (Island Breeze) and Martha's blogs taken at our Steamy time. I couldn't have looked worse in my pics! You can really see I'm not sleeping well! Jessica hasn't been either...this was the day before her IVF. The company of friends and the food made up for it! Ask Martha to get you the recipe for those ultra decadent caramel bars that our friend, Carolyn brought for dessert!!
And, isn't this just the most heartwarming? Nicole tickled me by taking this one while I was ironing my fabbie for the Pumpkins! I couldn't believe what a tiny iron Martha has!! We are having a "cold snap" here in SW Florida, so you can see I'm wearing my sweater vest....I think it was in the 70's. We could have frozen!
Did you make it through this whole blog entry?? You deserve a medal. Hope I didn't keep You up all night! Hugs, Deb
Yes, Patti and Helen caught me on an "all-nighter" this week when I was trying to catch up with all of your blogs! Sometimes I have terrible insomnia, and I just go with the flow and enjoy a computer time...catch up with all of you and have a happy time of commenting. Patti and I had fun instant messaging, and Helen sent me an email saying she couldn't figure out if I was "just up very early" or if I had stayed up all night! LOL It was kind of fun. Soooo, if any of you are night-owls, you can always see if I'm up, too. I probably am. It's 12:45 AM here right now.
Stitching Goals for the Weekend:
1) Kit up "Berthe Massiet" and make a start on it
2) Finish kitting up Glendon "Pumpkin..."
3) Stitch a bit on Jessica's "Mermaid of the Pearls"
4) Stitch a bit on "Marie Antoinette Sampler"
Finally, I leave you with these two pictures of my sweet little granddaughter, Hadley, who was a lambie for Halloween. She's the one who's getting the toile quilt with the Fair & Square stitched pieces in it!
I hope everyone has a pefectly wonderful stitchey weekend ahead! Deb
Above is the really sweet gift "for the new Grammie" I received from my friend, Juls, in Las Vegas a couple of days ago!! What a surprise it was! I couldn't believe it! I'll be seeing Juls when I go see Jack in November. She and I are going stash hunting at her LNS, and are going to do some serious stitching and real life chatting together!!! Can't wait, and I'm so grateful for the gift and the gorgeous threads....:) Thank you, Juls. Love them.
Here to the left are some new charts I've added to my stash. You know what a Jane Austen fan I am...so I couldn't resist the new "Mrs. Darcy..." I love all of the Sampler Girl designs about Jane & Mr. Darcy and the President's Wives. Not to change the subject....but can you imagine Bill Clinton as the First Husband??? Yikes!! God only knows what he'll be cookin' up in the White House this time! ...another subject...another time...