Go forth, dear stitchey and witchey friends, to the land of Missy Ann and don't miss her fabulous Halloween Giveaway. Once and for all, you have to try to win one of her ghoulishly gorgeous prizes. This is the Halloween giveaway of the century! Truly, she's made the gosh darndest treats of crafting you've ever seen...they are amazingly fun and darling. (I'm not kidding)
Let me be your channel and direct you there: http://www.deepinsidemissy.com/ This may be your last chance and it's been such a hoot!!
I'm here to tell you that our friend, Sharon, of Daffycat, had the audacity to bump me out of the Crafty Cauldron so she could get Missy's last prize...you have to go to her blog to see part of the gift. I was shocked that Sharon would betray me like Queenie did yesterday...but, of course, they have no shame. ;{ They both flaunted their "thanks" on their blogs. Sigh.
I guess I have to forgive them and to wish them both joy in their wins, but as I told Missy Ann... that stinkin' Cursed, Crafty little Cauldron needs a kick in it's black-bottomed little heart to mix up the rest of us still floating in there!! And, so certain, special personages of us will rise to the top...no names in particular, you understand.
In humility I remain your fast fading, witch-stitchey friend,
PS: Please go down to my Oct. 28th entry to find more Giveaway information on Pumpkin Patch and Kathies Blogaversary! You have to hit those too!
Next year I'm hiring you on as my official PR Witch. :D
There you go - PR WITCH!!!! Love it!!!!
Ah ha ha ha ha ha! ***evil laughter)
Poor Deb! Curses foiled again!
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