I tried to vary my genre from the Crusades to psychological novels, short stories, love stories, to this sort of bodice ripping murder, suspense book above!
June 26th: The B&N sale online may be over. But, the 50% off sale of these books and others are most likely to be found in the stores themselves. I was just thrilled with my books when they came in the mail today. I'm starting "The Brethren," today.
The book is the story of a young woman photographer, the fiance' of a guy who has a little girl. The young woman adores the child and they have a close relationship. The child's birth mother abandoned her. One day as she is staying with the child and they are on the beach gathering sand dollars, the child gets missing. The book is the story of the young woman and her year of trying to find the little girl. It's filled with fabulous insights into memory, photography, relationships, not giving up on those you love, and loving relationships. The writing is unforgettable. I couldn't put this one down, and read the 400 pages in a day and 1 night!
The second book I read the day before is "The Bright Forever," a Pulitzer Prize Finalist. OMG! This was fantastic. On the same sort of theme, it's the story of a 9-10 yr. old little girl who goes to the library and goes missing. The story is told from the perspectives of a town odd-ball math tutor, her brother, her father & mother, and the wife of strange newcomer to the small town. The writing, once again, is of Pulitzer Prize quality. It was a "not to put down" book. I'm sending this one around starting with Jenn of JennX. If you want to be on this list around the world....please add your name to the comments section.

Sending love and hugs....and thanks for reading this very long entry!!! Deb