Friday, June 20, 2008

Book Hunt!

Does this book sound like my usual? I don't think so...but I was on a book rampage today. Barnes & Noble is having a 50% off sale on thousands of books! I literally got about 25 books for about $46 and that included shipping in 3 days!! Run to your computer!!! to their site...and run back here to see what I chose! :]
"Brethren" sounded so interesting to me. It's written by a woman, and the reviews say she is quite knowledgeable about historic details of the times. The book concerns an inner Templar secret circle with a sort of grail that a young knight is caught up in protecting. I think this is a series...
Other books I bought and can't wait to read are:
The Stone Heart by Joyce Carol Oates writing as Lauren Kelly

Strange but True by John Searles

Beneath a Marble Sky, a love story by John Shores

The 6th Lament by William Brodrick

A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin (Newbury Honor Book)

Rabbit Heart by Colleen Hitchcock

Small Change by Elizabeth Hay

A Bit on the Side (Stories) by William Trevor

The Ha-Ha by Dave King

Murder in Little Italy by Victoria Thompson

Knitting by Anne Bartlett

The Worst Thing I've Done by Ursula Hegi

I tried to vary my genre from the Crusades to psychological novels, short stories, love stories, to this sort of bodice ripping murder, suspense book above!

June 26th: The B&N sale online may be over. But, the 50% off sale of these books and others are most likely to be found in the stores themselves. I was just thrilled with my books when they came in the mail today. I'm starting "The Brethren," today.

I have been on a reading jag for the past week. This book, "..Year of Fog," is one of the finest books I have read in a very long time! I so highly recommend it that I want to send it on a "worldwide tour" of all my friends. So, I'm starting out by sending it to Annemarie in the Netherlands, and she will send it on to the next person on my list, who will send it on to the next, and so on..... If you would like to be on the list, please add you name to the comments section.

The book is the story of a young woman photographer, the fiance' of a guy who has a little girl. The young woman adores the child and they have a close relationship. The child's birth mother abandoned her. One day as she is staying with the child and they are on the beach gathering sand dollars, the child gets missing. The book is the story of the young woman and her year of trying to find the little girl. It's filled with fabulous insights into memory, photography, relationships, not giving up on those you love, and loving relationships. The writing is unforgettable. I couldn't put this one down, and read the 400 pages in a day and 1 night!

The second book I read the day before is "The Bright Forever," a Pulitzer Prize Finalist. OMG! This was fantastic. On the same sort of theme, it's the story of a 9-10 yr. old little girl who goes to the library and goes missing. The story is told from the perspectives of a town odd-ball math tutor, her brother, her father & mother, and the wife of strange newcomer to the small town. The writing, once again, is of Pulitzer Prize quality. It was a "not to put down" book. I'm sending this one around starting with Jenn of JennX. If you want to be on this list around the world....please add your name to the comments section.

Finally, the book I finished last night, "The Life of CeeCee Wilkes," was less a great writer, but an absorbing story and a compulsive read that I just couldn't stop reading! The author is good enough to be the quality of Jodi Picoult. It's the story of a 16 yr. old girl who's swept up in a kidnapping that results in her having to care for a baby. She raises this baby as her own....and many years later has to face the consequences. That's a very simplified review because I don't want to spoil the plot for you. It's a fabulous story that is just unforgettable! I'm going to start this one around by sending it to Barbara in the Netherlands, then to those who want to be on the list.

Sending love and hugs....and thanks for reading this very long entry!!! Deb

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Preemie Caps

Sending a call out for preemie cap patterns! If you have a cute one, will you please email it to me: The hospital nursery is now putting warm caps on Kellan, and Jessica's asking me to knit some. I have one little cap knitted as of yesterday, but don't want them all to look the same!

That's Kellan's first preemie cap knitted by Grammie yesterday. :)


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kellan Update 6.12.08

Update on Soup-to-Nuts

Photographed dim and dark, my bright little stitching room...which my friends and I call the "little French room" because of the furniture, is getting more and more disorganized by the day! You see I have to take my shoes off and tip-toe between things to get to other things....etc... I know I have to fix this one of these days, but I just don't know how!

I've also stashed things away in my great room, under my bed, beside my bed, in my closet, and in my garage. I'm hoping Jessica will really get serious about stitching some day! Or, I can keep out of hospitals long enough to get some things done. Or, I can develop two more arms and hands and work through things at lightining speed, that would be nice, too!

Cirque has been picked up consistently over past days and I've made some progress. However, my photography skills are at their worst, so I have to wait for DH to give us an update on that one. I do see the "Mists of Funk" arising, though!

Vonna, I want to thank you in particular for sharing your story with us about all of your children being preemies. We can see how beautiful and well-rounded they are now. That was a great testimony for Jessica's heart. Julia, your being a preemie of 6 wks. from the 50-ish timeframe also was joyous to hear! You're so amazing and such a good friend here in Naples, and Jessica knows you, so that was a great help.

To all of you who have sent comments, emails, calls and notes...too many to name here, we want to thank YOU so much. It has meant everything to know the Magills have your support and prayers. Jessica says she's sure guardian angels surround Kellan's little warmer in the NICU because of all your prayers. Jessica reads my blog every day to get your comments...

The little Kell-lion's update: He's off all breathing apparatus and breathing on his own. He still has a feeding tube in his belly button, but is sucking his pacifier and swallowing and keeping down all of his mommy's milk. He's taking nearly an ounce and a half every 2-3 hrs. His digestive system is in great working condition. His eyes are opening well and he knows daddy and mommy voice and responds to them.

Waving to my children who may be reading this from their various offices or homes in MA, NYC and NV and FL! Love you!

Hugs to all,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Little Kell-Lion Is Ruling the NICU!

Can you believe this darling picture my DH took of little Kellan's hand in his Daddy's hand? This is his second day, and his daddy was visiting him to soothe him in the NICU. See his tiny heart patch and monitor to the right?
Daddy, Kevin, holding Kellan up. Kellan is getting some oxygen and breathing help because of immature lungs at this point. But, otherwise, all is well. He is the largest baby in the NICU, and the healthiest.

We have been playing with his nickname for months as "Kell-lion," so it was funny that his main NICU nurse (without even knowing his nickname!) had made a big name card for him with glitter and a sticker of a baby lion on it! Then, they changed him to a hooded warmer and put a lion king type flannel blanket over it! Jessica was so delighted!! :)

Jessica went home today, but Kevin and I will be taking her daily to see Kellan. She and Kevin (and I) are so grateful for your sweet notes and prayers.

Love and hugs, Kellan's mommy, daddy and grammie

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Guess Who Surprised Us All!!!

Precious little Kellan John Magill decided to come 4 weeks early and surprise mommy and daddy this morning about 3:30 AM! He's having a bit of oxygen and monitoring in the NICU here, but all signs are great. His heart, lungs and everything are healthy and well. He kicks hardily, exercises his lungs (!), sucks his pacifier, drinks from a bottle as of this afternoon, and has a beautiful complexion. Can you believe his long curly hair!!???
Jessica wanted all of you to see his earliest pictures. She's doing well, but is in pain and very tired. After the C-section, the drs. had to do some minor surgery (removed an ovary) and some clean up of areas. But, she hopes to be up enough to sit in a wheelchair to see Kellan this evening and to feed him.
My heart goes out to her because she wants so much to have him in her arms. Please all of you pray that she will be able to hold him close very soon.
Love to all,
Your friend and new Grammie! Deb

Friday, June 6, 2008

Stitching Funk Has Struck!

OMG! I've been struck by the Stitching Funk! I look at my stitching and just get a sinking feeling in my spirit. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm listless and droopy, I'm missing my sparkle, I'm yawning and staring at my Cirque and other piles of stitching. Help!!

I did finish reading "Sepulchre" but I'm lacking motivation to forge ahead with my new book, "Human Traces," which is really good!

Have caught up on reading your blogs even if I've not left comments. It was so good to visit with you all. My emails that built up are read and answered. Jessica's things for Kellan are nearly put away.

Now I'm going back to bed. Bye for now! Hugs, Deb

PS: Jenn X's favorite stitching shop is: Down Sunshine Lane....not ABC Stitch Sorry, Jenn! :]

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

By the Bay - New Charts to Love-& My Birthday!

I just ordered this new chart for my birthday and I love it! Donna, designer of By the Bay Needlearts, is a stitching friend and a fabulous designer. See her blog: I love her collection of designs and want to do a sort of CHS collection of houses on one piece of linen of her houses with large trees and fruit! Since she's a Christian like me, I love her pieces with proverbs and sayings. Here's another new one below:
With another proverb, it makes a great head-piece for the collection of houses "by the bay!"
Also, speaking of my birthday. What a surprise to receive this gorgeous birthday fob from my darling friend, Harmien!! It's just my colors and is so me with the roses! I love it to pieces. I'm keeping it hanging on this antique theorem art picture of a basket of fruit so I can see it every day. Thank you, Harmien! These are my sweet birthday gifts from JennX who has been a dear and faithful friend of mine for over a year. We chat frequently about books and needlework...mostly about books. I adore her. She's always so good to me. She sent me a gift certificate which I used at her favorite stitching shop online! Boy, were they fast in delivery, too! This is a fuzzy pic compliments of you-know-who...but the back two charts are: LHN "The Rain Fell" and CCN "Garden Girl" Thank you, Jenn, I love these!! You are so thoughtful, as always. :]
My DH (along with Major hints from DD) drove to our LNS (45 mins. away) and bought me Lady Scarlet and a gift certificate for my birthday!! I just love her. Isn't she pretty on the pink. An aside: this is my long ago start on Chatelaine's Convent Garden.

Anyway, the funny story along with the gifts is that I called Jessica when he gave me my bday card and the gifts to tell her, and she said, "Let's drive to Golden Needle and find some stash for you, Mom!" To wit, DH, upon hearing my response says, "Oh, no!! You can't drive up there! It costs $50 in gas!" Jess and I started laughing. So typical of him.... Here's your gift, but enough is enough with this birthday spending!!! LOL It was a great gift anyway, I emailed and placed an order happily. :]

Another fuzzy pic. of: CHS - Blackhorse Inn - Once, I lived in Mendham, NJ, where the true, historic Blackhorse Inn is located on Main Street. The building is actually yellow with black trim now. But, it was the Inn on the Stage Coach road to New York City in those days. So, I had to have this chart! Then, I ordered By the Bay's "In My Father's House." "Charity for All" by Erica Michaels is for my son, Jason, Hadley's dad, who is a real patriot and a American is the best sense. "Celtic Beasties" by Ink Circles is for Jessica's husband, Kevin's Christmas present....he's a true Irishman. Then, naturally, I had to have the latest "Sampler & Antique Needlework." Oh....and this beautiful volume of Jane Austen's novels guilded pages and all!! Yummy!! From Barnes & Nobel. I'll post my Golden Needle gift certificate things when they come in later!

Stitching guild meeting tomorrow night and Steamy Sunday Stitching at Martha's this Sunday...what fun! Nearly finished with "Sepulcre," so starting "Audition," Barbara Walters' new memoir. And, happily awaiting Kellan, whose doctor just gave him a delivery date of July 15th yesterday...assuming Kellan waits that long! :]

Thank you to dear friends who emailed and sent cyber birthday cards!! I love my friends!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Birthday at Borders with my Best Babygirl

We are at Border bookstore in Naples, FL, celebrating my birthday by buying things for Kellan!! LOL Though Jessica claims every trip shopping we take that starts out for her or me, or Kellan ends up with me shopping for Amelia or Hadley....or Jack!! LOL Thus, the beginning and the end....
This is our fuzzy little picture taken by a poor man we literally grabbed as he walked by. (You know how that goes, Martha and Lynn! :]) He must have been beside himself or shaken from the sight of us!!! Anyway, it's Jessica and Mom in front of our stacks of books for Kellan's future library...only hardback, first editions will do for the heir of Grammies library!! We have the series' of Eragon, Peter Pan, and others to sort through before we leave. I suppose I shouldn't be ranting about the poor man we grabbed off the bookshop floor, because my focus issues with the camera are also glaring here. We found the most precious girl to help us: Solangel is her name! Can you believe it!!? Jessica and I wanted to adopt her. We thought she was surely our gift from God for the day. She helped find this perfectly gorgeous illustrated volume of Peter Pan for Jess.
Speaking of Kellan John Magill. Here is his first 3-D picture! It's still "fuzzy"...but welcome to the Club, Kellan! LOL He has hands, feet and the imbilical cord are all up around his head in this picture. Since this was taken, they've made new images and he's moved, grown more imbilical necklace, bigger feet, longer legs, longer fingers and lots of yawning going on!! Isn't he cute? We didn't have the benefit of these 3-D sonagrams in my day!! Jessica is expecting him via C-section the first week of July. I'm about to hyperventilate!!
Grammie Debi waving to granddaughter, Amelia, in NYC. She's a new big sister! Grammie is sending her the magnetic paperdoll and the Fancy Nancy doll and book you see behind. Here's one of her latest pictures and one of her new baby sister, Ella Pearl. Amelia's not quite sure yet if it's great fun to share her daddy. She adores Daddy.
Here is my darling Amelia (in the center) dressed to play "Wendy" in her school's play of "Peter Pan" this Winter. She was so happy. Remember?
And, our latest precious addition....little Ella (Blue) Pearl born on May 2nd. She's so sweet!! I nicknamed her "Ella Blue" because my son is an investment banker by day and a blues band leader and song-writer by night! :] He'll surely be writing and singing songs about her as he's done about Amelia and Jessica! Jessica is his favorite sister...she's his only sister...but that doesn't matter!! :) Anything the boys want me to know; they first call and tell Jess!
My son, Frank, Amelia's Daddy...opening a surprise package from Grammie Debi. See how she loves girly things?
My darling (2 years old this month) granddaughter, Hadley. She's the little one who loves flowers and being outside with nature. Before she could walk, we'd have to help her tiptoe outside to touch the pretty flowers. Inside she loves singing, dancing, and playing with her trucks! LOL I've always called her my "little squirrel" she's so bright and beautiful. And, a new picture of my precious grandson, Jack Gardner Duncan II, with his grandad, Charlie. Jack is always smiling and sweet like this. He's a heartbreaker!! Such and kind and adorable baby! I wish I could just kiss him all over! I think of him and all of my grandchildren all the time.
Well, somehow this birthday of mine got to be all about my grandchildren. That's really what has become most important to me. I love all of my children: Frank, Jon, Jessica, Jason, and David. Their wives and husband: Coco, Kevin, Adrien and Adrianne. And, I'm just insane about my precious grands! That's my life at 58!
I hope all of your lives are as joyful and fulfilled as mine is at this time of my life. God bless you each as He has blessed me. I live in paradise, in a beautiful home filled with books and stitching treasures, have great friends, a husband who loves me and fusses with me, children who love and are kind to me, and grandchildren I can spoil. I'm a happy camper!!
PS: More about my fun and funny birthday tomorrow!!! LOL