Saturday, December 29, 2007

Home from the Holidays!

Back home from Boston, and what a wonderful Christmas holiday I had! It was just perfect! My son, Jason, met me at the airport bringing in a rush of crisp, wintery cheerfulness, and we headed off to the Cape through light traffic and crystal snowflakes. Boston was beautifully lighted for the Season with brilliant reds and whites over the City; and, drivers were surprisingly courteous! It was so good to be "home for the holidays." The cold was a shocker to the system for a bit, but, I was warm and snuggy in my coat which I affectionately call, The Bear, because it's so big and soft and furry. The best treat of all was watching my little granddaughter, Hadley, all week as she talked and talked and enjoyed her Christmas. She is 18 mos old and favors trucks, cars and Barney! She calls me "Daddy's Mama" instead of Grammie...LOL It's a long story....:) I had a great time with many blessings.

Now, I'm back to stitching and reading and thoughts of New Year's plans:
*Making new friends is my first goal.
*Finishing stitching projects for Jessica is my second.
*Keeping old friends and enriching those friendships
*Getting our Neighborhood RR rolling again and finished
*Finishing our HAED RR this year
*Getting involved in a new RR somehow, somewhere???
*Working on my Chatelaine Designs
*Working on my favorite WIPs and SALs: Cirque; Bride's Treasures , Colonial Coverlet; HHRH; Canadian/Sanibel Island Journey; Samplers; Marie Antoinette, etc....
*Planning to read "War and Peace," and many new books this year!

Finding New Personal Goals in 2008:
*Doing more geneological research - I found another interesting link to our Plymouth, MA, family. A "Riggs House" in Glouchester, MA, built in the 1600s....
*Thinking about taking French lessons...I've never learned to speak french
*New exercise in the sunshine program 3 times per week....walking and swimming, at least! UGH....I need help with this one!
*Recycle!! Unravelling the mass of boxes of STUFF accumulated over the years...recycling them to Goodwill, etc.. I need to simplify my home and life this year. I need to learn to let go of the unnecessary so I can let in the light!
I want, also, to thank each and every one of you for your heartfelt comments this season about Christmas memories, holiday losses, and struggles both by your blog comments and to me through personal email. Maybe in some small way, it was a comfort to know that we all cared and shared the good and the heartbreaks through the support of those who know.... You are so special! Here's to good friends throughout the year!!
Love and hugs,


Juls said...

Good to see you back safe and sound!!! It was great talking to you today!!! And I truly wish I could have joined you for dinner......I'm thinking of my goals as well....

Meari said...

Good luck with your goals, Deb. I need to downsize/recycle some more. I'm hoping to get some of it done while unpacking and decorating.

Katrina said...

Too funny, I've been contemplating taking a French course :-).

Glad you had such a nice Christmas! Great goals for the new year.

Lizzie said...

I am glad you enjoyed Boston, and your little granddaughter sounds like such a cutie. :-)

Sally said...

Welcome back Deb! It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas in Boston.

Good luck with your goals for 2008!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Deb. I'm so happy for you that you had such a great time!! Good luck with those plans for 2008... Happy New Year!! Hugs,

Wanda said...

Your trip sounds wonderful great to go places and be with family. Great idea to learn something new, I took french in HS and went on a wonderful trip there, very lovely place don't remember any French though. Happy New Year!!

Heidi said...

So good to hear you had a wonderful Christmas Deb! I hear you about the simplified living. I started clearing out my clutter in 2007 and it really does set you free. I will continue in 2008.

How cute that you are Daddy's Mama.

Hugs ~

Michelle said...

Glad you're back safe and sound and had a good time. Your goals sound wonderful - you can certainly achieve them all!