Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cirque Update

Dear Sweet Friends, Thank you so much for your encouraging comments about my fabric and thread choices for this piece. You make me feel so great about everything I put my hands to. Thank you all for your comments...really, you give me more credit than I deserve, though!

Here is my weekend's work on my "Cirque des Cercles" SAL! Yay! My first circle is finished. I just love stitching this. You can't see from my picture, but each of the "petals" of this has been enhanced with balger sparkling thread. I'm going to further embellish it, but that will come later this week. The thread is also over-dyed and has very subtle varigation, which I don't think shows in this pic. But, I'm happy with it irl. Fun stuff!

Other news is just plugging along on Christmas projects for family....now narrowed down to trying to finish Jessica's DH's afghan. UGH! Crossing my fingers on this one.

I helped a friend start a new blog. She is skeptical, but wants to start it as a journal as she's leaving very soon on an around the world cruise. Check her out with a warm welcome please at: http://cruisingcarol.blogspot.com/ She's not a stitcher, but she's a reader, and one of my group of girlfriends who suns and chats at the Club pool with me. She's very down-to-earth and fun. Since she's a novice, please let her know where you're from when you comment. Thanks!!

Nothing else going on...except that Harmien and I are starting a new little Voodoo/McGoblin boy stitching circuit going around. Don't be surprised if it shows up at your door sometime this coming year! If you've been following her posts, my comments to her in their regard and some others...she's been visited this past year with some pesky little McGoblins that have just been worse than gremlins and Murphy's Lawish thingies. So, I'm stitching her a little guard against them. She, in turn, is stitching one for our other friend who's expressed a need....and, it will travel from there, I'm supposing!! Look out, McGoblins! We are on to you!!! :{

Here's a pic of the chart

Harmien and I are, of course, ad-libing our own threads, charms and things. These little McGoblins have to be very individual to fit the user and the purpose!

Meanwhile, have a happy week and happy stitching. Keep warm and toasty, too! Deb

PS: Forgot to mention that the darling scissors fobbie was a gift from Helen this past year! Isn't it the sweetest?!


mainely stitching said...

You and Harmien are such fun gals!! :D

Your CdC is off to an incredible start, Deb! I love it!!

Teresa said...

I just wanted to let you know I left a comment on Carol's new blog. How sweet of you to help her get started. :) Love the Voodoo Boy, I may have to get that one. How is your daughter?

Take care

Nicole said...


I love your CDC so far! It is so pretty! That voodoo doll project is so cute! Looks like a lot of fun!

Miokka said...

CDC is looking good! Love that voo doo boy too~ Hmmmmm.... another project!
I need to retire.....
Left you a voice mail this evening. Glad to see all is well!

Anonymous said...

I love your CdC colours!! Can't wait to see your embellishment plans... Voodoo Boy is coming along great, he's fun to stitch, so that's one McGoblin chased away already... :o)

Wendy said...

Great start on your CDC, Deb! I wish I could see all the sparklies in person. Love your Voodoo Boy and can't wait to see your version, I'm sure he will be spectacular.

Carol R said...

Love the tiny scissor fob in your picture of Cirque Update - pretty fabric too. Off to visit your friend's blog

Annemarie said...

I *think* I know who will receive Harmien's Voodoo Man. This designer must be a secret visitor to all our blogs, to know that this sort of thing is just what we all need :o)))

Your Cirque design is fabulous, Deb. Such delicate colours.

Hope you're well. How's Marie Antoinette doing?

tintocktap said...

Your Voodoo Boy looks such fun! I'll have to investigate further myself. And you've made a fantastic start on CdC - can't wait to see more!

Sally said...

Your CdC is looking lovely Deb.

Patricia Lessell said...

Oh Deb I don't know what I love more the little fob that Helen stitch or the Voodoo Boy and I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed a Voodoo Boy of my own. Lots of Love Patti xxx

Cheryl said...

Your CdC looks great Deb! I love how everyones is so different. I didnt get a chance to work on mine this week unfortunately

Stitchy Princess said...

I love the colors in your CdC. I've never seen that voodoo chart before - I think I need one (err, maybe a couple) of those for work!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention I got your comment about the Voodoo boys - have to admit, I think they're really awesome! :D And Harmien's one is coming along beautifully so far :D