This Haunted House Halloween quilt center is for Kellan's and little Jack's lap/floor quilt. I'm making lap quilts for each of my little grands...Jack, 2 yrs., Hadley, 3 yrs., Kellan, 1 yr., Ella, 15 mos., and Amelia, 8 yrs.
BTW, Kellan highly recommends full Naked Reading this Summer for the best enjoyment of books! :]
***I have a special REQUEST: Many of you know that my best friend, Elaine, is struggling with terminal lung cancer. She is brave in the face of a 3-4 mo. prognosis, though she sometimes (and rightly so) believes that she has more time with us than that! And, we applaud her for that awesome spirit.
It's sometimes often difficult to help her keep her spirits up. She can't find something to look forward to, or that would make her feel like she's accomplishing something. She says she only has her tv to look forward to every day.
My REQUEST is that as many as would like to participate would send me a 6 1/2" piece of fabric for a quilting project for her. She used to love to quilt...I taught her last year and she made two quilts...but now she can't cut anything out or sew. I would sew them together for her into a lap quilt for her chemo sessions or to use on her bed. It would be sweet if you would also like to send a note with your name so she would know who the piece is from.
I always tell her how important my worldwide stitching friends are to me. Since she doesn't stitch, she really has no frame of reference for that! Sad to say!! :i Aren't we lucky to have eachother and our stitchery!!
I'm off to stitch and watch the JK Rawlings Special on tv. It seems to be awesome, so far....
Love and hugs,
PS: I've has some strong hesitations to put this request out for Elaine, so for those whom I may offend or upset...please forgive me. I only want to make my friend's life beautiful to the end... Please don't feel you can't comment because of it, as well.... :)
Having gone through chemo myself I absolutely love your idea of a lap quilt for your dear friend. Let us surround her with love from around the world. I'll check your address tomorrow via email.
Super Halloween quilting fabric that you will be using for your little people. You will make them all sooooo happy.
AWESOME Halloween fabrics, I must find some, LOL! And I wish I could be young and "free" like Kellan too ;)
I would love to send a square of fabric. Do you have a color wish? Please email me your address so that I can get it sent off. My best wishes and prayers to your friend Elaine. I'm sure that God is watching over her and a quilt made with love would be the perfect accompaniment. {{hugs}}
I nearly laughed myself right off my chair at the sight of Kellan going through his books in the buff. Ah, now, a naked (adult) male librarian - there's the stuff of fantasy! LOL!
For your friend, do you mean 6 1/2 inches square? Will send something as soon as I'm sure of the size. I think it's a lovely thing to do for her.
I love the naked reader, what a hoot. I love to read, but I think I will spare my family the lack of clothing. I am still chuckling over that.
I would love to send a piece of fabric for your friends quilt. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know the address to send this to. What an angel of a friend you are.
Great pic of the naked reader! lol! The Halloween fabric looks great too! I'd love to send a piece of fabric for your friend as well. Just let me know the details (colors? and etc.) and address, etc. It's a wonderful idea.
I'm still really sick but I will get dh to put fabric in the mail on Monday. I'm not sick with the same thing. This started Thursday. The good thing was as of this morning I had lost 8lbs. Unheard of for me. Mini Me the fabric will be yours and I really hope Elaine is never in pain. Lots of love Queenie xxx
Hi Deb,
Sent you an email as I would be willing (and will enjoy) sending you a piece of fabric.
Loved the picture of the "naked" reader as my mother and her friends were laughing several weeks ago about "Naked Hiking Day"! Yep, there really is one. LOL!!!
Love the Halloween quilts!
Windy Meadow
Potty training or just too hot? Cute bottom, I'm sure his future wife will love that picture.
Any wishes on a color for the fabric? I've already got your address.
What a neat idea to make a lap quilt for each of your grandchildren. And the picture of the naked little man in search of something to read is just a hoot.
I would be happy to send fabric to you Deb, if you can let me have your address and any colour preferences.
If my email address doesn't show up here, just leave a comment on my blog, making sure you fill in your email address before posting and I'll email you back. Thanks!
That picture is too cute!
What a great thing to do for your friend. I would love to send you a piece of fabric...6 1/2 inches square? Let me know where to send it, and if you have a color theme :)
Deb, I'd love to send a piece of fabric, what a great idea. If you could email me your address I will pop it in the mail on Monday.
Naked reading looks like fun, LOL.
I read your blog often and would (but don't comment) - would love to send you a square for your friend. Let me know if there is a colour preference and you addy and I will send off.
Cute picture
Pretty cute little bum! I'll be thinking about you and your friend Elaine.
I'd love to send a square for your friend, (it's a great idea) I'd need your address, and any colour preference.
LOL @ Kellan - so cute!
Will be sending some soon, let me know if I can assist in the sewing as well.
The pic of Kellan made my that is cute!
I just love Halloween decorations and look forward to seeing your quilts. I must try to remember to post a picture of my Halloween quilt top. :D
love the quilts! Especially love the baby picture!!! Nothing cuter than a baby, whether clothed or not!
I would love to send a piece of fabric for the quilt. I will try to get it in the mail in the next day or two!
I just adore your halloween fabrics! I'm also so sad to read about your friend.....I would love to send you a piece of fabric...Can you email me your address?
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