Margaret - from
Kathy A. - from
Deb - from
God is really in this Quilt. All of the pieces fit together so well. Deb was a dear. She sent a roll of several pieces to help me coordinate things. I'm so grateful for everyone's generosity of heart. The notes have been so lovely. I'm giving Elaine everything, so we'll be hearing from her soon. She can't write anymore, but she can dictate to me.
Look at this beautiful thing! Deb made this amazing clutch for holding Elaine's tissues, but it really is so gorgeous, she can use it for lots of different things. Thank you for taking the time to light up Elaine's life, Deb.
Deb also sent me these really sweet stitching pieces! Bet you didn't know I collect these needle cards, Deb! :] I just loved these little RAKs. Thank you for thinking of me, and for your sweet note.

Above is Jinger's Quaker Friendship Sampler from our RR. Her fabric is just beautiful, which doesn't really show true color's more a plum hand-dyed color and her thread is dark plum. This has been a great RR. We only have two more rounds!
I'll have other updates of RRs and SALs by the end of this week. Right now I'm signing off to watch the Bachelorette finale! I'm making a quick bolongna sandwich for dinner, too!
Oh, BTW, I saw a fabulous Bette Davis movie last night, "The Old Maid." If you haven't seen it, or if you haven't seen it for a while, I highly recommend it.
Hugs to all,