Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday Stitchers in Sunny Florida!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Some Newsy News!

Many have sent me emails wondering what I've named the little Voodoo/McGoblin Girl. Do you think this is up to me??? I really think Harmien should name her. Maybe we should help her.... I propose a contest of names. To the one who sends the name that Harmien decides to adopt, I will send a mystery package of stitching items that will make her eyes pop!! Let's say you have until Sunday, April 13th. We'll have Harmien choose the winner simply on the basis of the name that's her favorite.
Jessica has been in and out of the maternity ER with high PB and dehydration. Please remember her in your night prayers...
Have a wonderful, stitchy weekend, too. dear friends!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Oh, dear, lookie here! She's finally finished, Harmien!! Well, nearly...I've completed the stitching, and now have to do the sewing finishing part. What a trial she was in that she kept hiding from me in the piles of WIPs! I know the goblins were keeping her from me... You really can't see her sparkles very well, but she truly is gleaming like a gaudy hoochee girl! That should drive the little pestie no good anti-stitch goblins away from your door and simply to distraction!
Many people have asked for her chart. It doesn't exist! I just improvised using the Voodoo Boy chart by using metallics and changing some of the colors and things.
Otherwise, I'm off to stitch on Nicole's Neighborhood RR which just arrived at my door earlier this week. And, I'm looking for a pattern for my Fair & Square friend Susan's piece!
I'm going to try to find a bit of time to stitch on these pieces of my own: Cirque de Cercles, Taj Mahal, White Nights of St. Petersburg, and Marie Antoinette Sampler, and my PIF friends' pieces!

Wish me luck! Love to all my stitching friends!! Hugs, Deb
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My Green Brain...

Your (My) Mind is Green :
Of all the mind types, yours has the most balance.You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).
I may be the last one to know about this piece, but I just found it and absolutely love it!! It's by Sampler Cove. I think I may have to have it! I can just see some sparkly threads being added, even as we speak....hmmm
Did you know there's a new "Eagles" 2Disc-CD out called "Long Road Out of Eden." It's very good. I love "I Don't Want to Hear Any More" on Disc One of the album. But nearly all of the songs are just awesome. That's my music for this weekend. Lots of ballads on this one!
Hope all is well in your world. :]
Friday, March 14, 2008
Block on the Neighborhood!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Books and blogs
It's being reviewed and has author interviews on this great new site that Jess found: Voice- Every Woman's Voice
There's a reader's guide for discussion there, as well. Anybody want to have a long-distance bookgroup??? :]
PS: My pink and crimson rose bush has 3 buds on it!!! Sorry for braggin'
But, it's exciting!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Feeling Better,Stitching More, & Updates

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Random Things and Lody
The Rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.2. Post the Rules on your blog.3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.4. Tag 7 people and link them.5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Seven Random Facts About Me:
1) I think I really should have been born in the late 1800's....I'm most comfortable with things in this era. I find the world often too modern for me...and I live in a time warp!
2) I've always had a thing for Marie Antoinette, from the time I was very young. I've always thought it was strangely like I knew her.
3) My very favorite place to imagine myself when I'm travelling in my mind is my former Victorian house in Wellesley, MA.
4) I have a gifts of sight/dreams/readings. I've often seen important events in a dream before they've happened. It's not always been happy things. I can read people. This is a trait given to some of us through many generations, and well accepted in my family. My paternal grandmother, one of my aunts, one of my cousin's children and one of my sons has evidenced the gift in my lifetime.
5) I wiggle my toes and rub my feet together when I'm cuddling with my children, reading or stitching...!! It's my happy sign!! :]
6) I don't like to drink alcohol and can do without wine. But, I do like Dubonnet over ice with a lemon twist on occasion. I just learned on the Barbara Walters Royals Special that that's Queen Elizabeth II's favorite drink, too!!! LOL Who knew!! :]
7) I love to sleep in long, XXL t-shirts like the cheap ones you can get from Michael's and ACMoore!! They're so soft and comfy...:) but, not very girlie... which is contrary to my ordinary love of jewlery and embellishment! :)
Now, I'd like to tap: Jessica, Deb in CT, Lody, Wanda, Jenn, Juls, and Lizzy!
I also want to take some time to introduce to you my friend, Lody. I've known her for the past year in a couple of our online stitching groups. We've formed a friendship emailing off site, and she's a great stitching and finishing friend. I call Lody the "Lightenin' Stitcher!" She's amazingly fast and an incredible finisher. She even creates her own designs. Please go visit her newish blog.... A Stitcher's Journey From Her Heartland

A final note of deepest gratitude for all of you who left me comments of get well wishes (and de-bugging advice!), and sent me emails, too! You made me feel so enveloped in a world of caring stitching friends while I've been down. Thank you so much dear friends!! Hugs, Deb *New stitching pics next blog entry, I promise!!