See the above gorgeous stitching items!!??? Lynn B. is having a "giveaway" to celebrate her blogaversary right now. Please go check her blog out (look on my sidebar..), she is an awesome stitcher! And, tell her Deb/LavenderRose sent you, please. :]

Kellan is teething badly and is experiencing his very first virus from his new Nursery School. His mommy had to go back to work. What an adjustment for the little guy and mommy! He's looking outside from his house....outside is his new word.
Hugs, Deb
Hello Deb, Thanks for referring your readers to the blogaversary. Very nice things. I have left a comment and mention your name too. Your grandson is such a sweetie sad, they have to go throught teething.
At the middle of the month I will be having my 3rd blogaversary so you will have to keep an eye out and come and visit too. Hugs Judy
What a sweet little guy! Yep, that's a big adjustment, but he looks happy enough!
Oh my gosh, what a beautiful boy Kellan is! You must hug him constantly! I know it must be hard on him with being in childcare, but he'll adjust soon and make friends. Hope his teething calms down soon - I remember my kids going through that and it was rough at times.
Ah Kellan is such a cutie!
Glad to hear you are having lots of luck receiving blocks for Elaine's quilts.
What a cute little guy!! He looks happy even though he is teething! Your blog is so pretty! Wishing you lots of fun stitching!!
Kellan is such a cutie!
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