Beginning with my current reading list, I have to mention "Matrimony," to you. It's one of those curious novels that gives you unexpected pleasure to read. I was just in a mind-twist to buy something a few weeks ago at our local Target, and found this book. The main character is an aspiring author who meets his lifelong best friend (another aspiring author), and his wife at college. The book is so fabulously written, it would just be droll for me to give you anything else in review. If you get a chance, try to see if there's anything for you in this book.

I really postponed reading "Olive Kitteridge" because I was not taken by initial contact with the book and I didn't want to spend the money purchasing the hardback! LOL However, it's now out in a very nice paperback and the reviews are compelling. "Olive..." is on the Author's List for our speaker at the Philharmonic Center in Naples, FL. I think I've mentioned this before, but there is a wonderful reviewer, professor and speaker who comes to our Phil. once a year to review the latest and best in the year's literature.

Below is a tale about the wife of Charles Dickens in an after-his-death memoir of their lives together. Though the characters go by another name, the author was inspired by letters held at the British Museum; letters from Dickens to his wife. Her request was that they be displayed at the Museum so that, "..the world may know that he loved me once." What Arnold has imagined and given to us is a beautifully written and most poignant account of their love and life together. Arnold is a new author...lots of promise here!
Update on Elaine's Quilt:
I'm really near completion of Elaine's Quilt, but I can't show any pictures, yet, because Elaine wants to keep it a surprise! You will be amazed at how every piece has fit together so beautifully. She tells everyone how wonderful it is that all of you from around the world have contributed to her quilt and have sent her notes, cards, and goodies. I have to say, she really beams with telling the story.
What a difference you all have made in Elaine's life and her attitude. She is doing well with her current bout of chemo...though she, naturally, has good and bad days. She will have another cycle of the chemo a few weeks after this current one. Your prayers are making a difference as her coughing and breathing have improved, and she's had no more TIAs since her hospitalization last month. Thank you for thinking of her, for remembering her in your prayers, and for continuing to send her cards and notes. All of this means more than you can imagine, dear caring stitching friends. :]
Lots of stitching going on at my house these days!! Can't wait to show you with pictures of that and Elaine's Quilt at the beginning of September. "September," where has our Summer gone?
Please leave me your messages, dear friends and readers. I take alot of inspiration and information from them. And, it just offers us a chance to build our friendships which means so much to me.
With love and wishes for your happy stitching,