I was so stunned to get this award from Su! Along with some dear thoughts from her. So the rules are that I must select 10 blogs that make my day when I read them, give me inspiration and bring me happiness when I read them.
That is so difficult! There are so many of you who do that for me!! Just look at my side column for blogs I visit! LOL But, since this is a sort of PIF thingie in a sense, I'm going to name 10 people who make me especially happy and whose blogs I seek out when I'm down:
1) Nicole of Carolina Dreams- for her gentle ways, her love of threads, her genuine nature, and her choice of the prettiest charts! For the close friendship we've been able to develop as we've seen eachother in our Steamy Sunday Stitching group this past year....I'm going to really miss you when you leave, Nicole. You can't go!!!
2) Su, right back at you! Inspirational, creative, fabulous finishes, clever and witty! Your sharing is dear to me. Thanks for being my friend. I'm so jealous!! :P
3) Barbara, for your enduring good nature, your strength of character, your willingness to share and to care. I love your funky choices of things to stitch, too! LOL I delight in your devotion to your little family. Your friendship is precious to me.
4) Harmien, for your humor, your generosity of spirit, your joy in writing, and your stitching! You are in many ways the heart of our stitching blog world, Harmien....:) I'm happy to call you my friend.
5) Jessica, my DD. You make me laugh, you inspire me everyday. Your coming into our bloggish stitching circle makes it complete for me. I love you to pieces! To my KoKat from your MoKo forever....+KoKenz soon
6) Juls, my home-away-from-home in Las Vegas. I love your ways, Juls, your down-to-earth, solid, honest, stitching one thing at a time ways! I can always count on finding you right there....You make me smile, dear friend.
7) Lesley...Tintock Tap...I have laughed so many times at your little sock Monkeyman this couple of months! You always keep me inspired by your writing and your stitching. I love to visit your blog, Lesley. Your strength comes through, as does your love of beautiful stitchery and your creativity. I would love to have you nearby as a friend.
8) Heather ....jeweled as you are! What a happy spirit rings from your blog! You're so creative and so joyful, Heather! It's been such fun planning our "Queens & Harpies: Altered Paper Dresses w/Panache" with you. I think you are just fabulous!
9) An...when you write, I have to leave the Diet Cokes far, far away from me for fear I'll snorkle and spew the coke all over my computer desk! You are such a crazy, devil-may-care, hilarious writer. I know some of that comes from your looking at your life upside-down...."better to laugh than cry" my darling mother-in-law used to say. But, you are so dear to me. I just adore you, An. Please keep blogging. I miss you so much when you're silent.
10) A group hug for: Helen, Queenie/Patti, Sally, Katrina, Vonna, Anne, Isabelle, Simone, Cheryl, Von, Deb/Cats, Deb/Artistic, Jenn, Michelle, Carrisa, Glenna, Carol, Dawn, Lizzie, Kajsa, Monique, Wendy, Kim-
So many others I visit....you all make me smile and inspire me! What would I do without you? My life would be so sad....