Stitching blogging friend, Nicole Neville, is on the front row 2nd from the right side! Many of you know her, I'm sure. I was delighted to finally get to meet her. We discovered we're both stitching Shepherd's Bush, "Happy Hauntings." And, Nicole helped me sort the threads on it while we caught up with eachother. She's a beautiful and very sweet person.
Wow! I want to thank Cheryl (Clydeside...blog on the side...) for thinking of me as one who makes her smile in the blogging friends awards!! I'm just delighted that I do! Wow! Thank you so much, Cheryl. I'm supposed to name 10 others...but there are so many others who do, for me. It just wouldn't be fair. So, I'm pulling names from a hat and these are just the Fall representatives: THOSE WHO MAKE ME SMILE AWARDS
1) Patti from England (Queenie) My first blogging friend. The "Smile Though You Feel Like Crying" Award
2) AnnMarie from the Netherlands She's not Wackey...but wise!
3) Barbara Mainely from the Netherlands, too and the Most Thoughtful of Others Award
4) Harmien from the Eternal Sunshine of the Sparkling Mind.... :) and the "I Can Make You Gasp With Joy Award!" Harmien doesn't know selfishness.
5) Simone from the Joy of Gardening in a Dutch Country Backyard. It's Simone's joy to bring happiness and inclusion wherever she goes.
6) Lesley from Tintock Tap--- A fair, wispish lady who stitches like an ancient, wise celtic maiden in a faraway land....she may be there, and then, again, she may not be.....she's a Avalon, Lady of the Lake, girl
7) Heather of Jeweled Elegance....ooooh her spunk, her gorgeous pictures, her ideas and artistic eye!!
8) Kim's Threadheads Unite because she is alone with all that glorious creativity and beautiful work surrounding her magical mind and home!
9) Martha from FL, who is the "Heartlight" of my stitching world in FL
10) Michelle....my Marie Antoinette companion in obsession! See her flipping over historic costumes and movie classic dress designs, museum embroideries and fashions of the centuries... Soak in her love of Red, and eyes for color!
These are the best of those who I just adore and make me smile for the Fall.
Hugs, Deb
What a great compliment to your fellow stitchers. This has been a great way for us to read new blogs and meet new friends. What a great community we have amassed.
Oh my goodness, Deb, you're so kind!!! I'm speechless!!
You asked on my blog about Arden's due date, and since my email seems unable to get messages through to anyone lately, I'll respond here. ;) Officially, our GYN says 4 Jan, but in light of all that's happened and is happening, we expect him around the holidays. :)
This was a lovely gesture!
This was a lovely gesture!
Well, go and make me blush, why don't you...!! You're too kind, Deb, thank you!!
"Simone from the Joy of Gardening in a Dutch Country Backyard. It's Simone's joy to bring happiness and inclusion wherever she goes"
Is this about me??? I'm so flattered, Deb! My face turned red 'till behind my ears ;)
You're so sweet!
OMG! I made a top 10 list!?!!? Deb! I'm honored! :o) Thanks! I love reading your blog....so eloquent you are!
Ahhh, that's so nice! I thought I was the stalker??!!?? Hehehe
You are wonderful! I'm always amazed when I read**see**what you have been up to!
Can't wait to see you!
Oh Deb - I really needed to read this this morning - you've really brightened my day. I'm so flattered that you included me in your list, thank you very much!
Looks like a lot of fun, there is always something interesting going on at your blog! It is a must read.
OMG I made number 1!!!! Geez! And I really love you too! I just love reading your blog and sharing in your blog and your life and consider myself to be one very lucky lady to have found you. Love and hugs and kisses Patti xxx
HOw lucky you are to have a stitching groupl like that!
Thank you so much Deb for your sweet words. I'm so behind on my blog reading, I am just now seeing this. I love that we are Marie Antoinette partners!
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