Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paints for Grandgirls

I've been making my own Summer Smoothies...with a bit of champagne included in the evenings while I read. No wonder I've been reading, you say???? :P

Painted doll furniture and bird houses my friend, Darlene, and I made for my granddaughter, Amelia's 9th birthday this month. We had such fun.

I'm back. It's only been months and apologies are in order; however, nothing has been going on in the stitching department. Only reading and finding and exchanging and searching out books and finding bookish friends has been happening lately. :]
I've not even been writing on my Bound To Be Bookish blog, though.

It's been a good break. Sometimes we just find ourselves burned out of one thing or another. It's nice to get a fresh new perspective and a new journalistic slant.

Visiting old friends' blogs will be lots of fun, so expect to see a note from me here and there!

Hope you've enjoyed the pictures attached.

Love and hugs and warmest "hello's" to friends one and all!
