Just lovely cross stitching from one of our sweetly, quiet stitchers! :)
And, a frightfully, happy ending with me in the middle...it's midnight and we've passed our expiration dates! Everyone else is close to home...I have to drive an hour. But, I was well reinforced with coconut lemon creme cake, a small slice of chocolate mousseish cake on the side, and a cuppa about 30 mins. before departure. Yummy!
We had our meeting at the Ronald McDonald's House near the local hospital. It's where all the meetings are held, and we are so grateful they allow us to use the house. We collect items for them; such as bedding and towels. When we have buffet or bring a dish suppers like on Midnighter's, we always make enough to leave for the families who stay there. And, on this night we played Stitcher's Bingo with pennies that were donated to their penny drive to buy something for the House.
Stitcher's Bingo was hilarious!! Everyone got a chance to win, of course. We'd all brought $1 items as prizes for the pot. It was lots of fun. A great game if you want to have fun at your next stitcher's group. We just filled in our bingo cards with our choices of Designers, Fabrics, Fibers, Stitching Tools, and Accessories from the same list passed out to each of us. Then, Martha pulled the names of those things from a hat for the bingo spaces covered by our pennies.
We also played "CLR" for flosses. I'd never heard of this game.... We were told to bring flosses for the game. We had no idea what was going on! Martha brought 3 dice... one with a "C" on it, an "L", an "R", and a "." We each put down 3 skeins of any kind of floss or thread in front of ourselves on the table. One person begins by rolling the 3 dice. "C" stands for "Center," so if it turns up with that you put one floss in the center of the table. "L" stands for "Left" so if you have that, you pass one floss to your left. "R" stands for "Right", you pass one floss to your right. And, "." means you can keep your floss. Once your turn is over you pass the dice to your left. It goes on this way until it comes to the last person still holding a floss. That person wins the center pot! Everybody loved this game, too. Couldn't believe how many gamblers there were amongst us!!! :O
Hope you're stitching happy this week! Hugs, Deb
PS: Yes, Carol, our group does meet at the Ronald McDonald House in Ft. Myers, FL. What a small world! :]