Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where In The World Is Deb? Again.... :[

Off again to Louisiana on Saturday to stay with my DD for a spell (as they say in North Carolina). I don't expect to be there a month...but not sure how long I will be there. Please continue to email me at my ordinary addy, dear friends. I don't want to lose touch. I'm going to be taking my computer this time.

I continue to write on my bookish blog. So, I beg you to go there to see what I'm up to in the reading dept. http://boundtobebookish.wordpress.com/ I seem to have more heart right now for reading than for stitching.
Hugs to faithful friends and new ones, alike. I'm so grateful to hear from you at this time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm Back and Books

I haven't been blogging because of so many stresses with my DD and trying to catch my breath. Please just visit me on my other blog: http://boundtobebookish.wordpress.com/ I spent some time putting together my new booklist for the new year.
