Jodi Picoult releases her 17th novel and all we can do is wait in line to be the first ones to grab a copy! On March 7th, at her Opening Reception in New York City, Jodi will be answering questions about "Sing You Home," and I'll have the live video on this blog. So exciting for me to be a part of it. I was thrilled to get an actual invitation to the event, but travelling isn't possible for me, so I'm happy to use this method of communication. I love Jodi and Simon & Schuster!!!
If you link to you will see some pre-publication video by Ms Picoult with regard to "Sing You Home," and her personal connection to the story. One of her sons is gay and through him the family has been introduced to unique experiences. Jodi and her family are fiercely supportive of who this young man is.
After having read some of the book at this point, (I was given a pre-publication copy of grateful!) I've found it in the best tradition of Jodi Picoult's writing. Just makes one want to stay up 24/7 reading. She's written this one from a perspective of her own heart, however, which gives it a certain depth of feeling that I believe we'll find unique. I have a suspicion this book will be one her fans will rank as her best to date.
Along with her novel, Ms Picoult has collaborated with her dear friend, Ellen Wilber, to create a companion soundtrack! How unique in the industry...or, as I quote another author friend of mine..."the brave new world of publishing" is upon us. This beautiful recording, which Ms Wilber performs and has written the music for, and for which Jodi has written lyrics, is an accompaniment for each of the chapters of "Sing You Home." I'm distracted by singing when I read, so I've opted to listen after I've read a chapter. It will be interesting to see how you feel about this, and how it's used by readers in general.
As a sneak preview, I would like to give you the publisher's synopsis of the novel:
"In the aftermath of a series of personal tragedies, Zoe throws herself into her career as a music therapist. When an unexpected friendship slowly blossoms into love, she plans for a new life, but to her shock and inevitable rage, some people--even those she loves and trusts most--don't want that to happen.
Sing You Home is about identity, love, marriage, and parenthood. It's about people wanting to do the right thing for the greater good, even as they work to fulfill their own personal desires and dreams. And it's about what happens when the outside world brutallly calls into question the very thing closest to our hearts: family."
I will be posting my full review of "Sing You Home" in a few days. I hope you'll come back on the evening of March 7th, at 7PM to watch the live video with me!
*On another note~ I've failed to keep current on my blog reviews due to a nasty bout with a pneumonia virus. I'm better and hoping to catch up this week! Thanks for checking in with me.
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Your friend and reader,