Dear Friends and Readers,
This is just a note to let you know that I'm taking a hiatus from blogging about stitching for a while. The past several months being away have set me back with my stitching, and I just want to spend time catching up and enjoying the process again.
Sometimes the pressures of blogging, stitching and keeping up with RRs and SALs and your own stitching projects is just too much! I'm just choosing to let a couple of things go for the time being.
In addition, our dear friend, Elaine, is at a place of dire need right now. She is home with Hospice. Her lungs have begun to fill up with fluid/blood, and she has just had surgery to implant a catheter for a drain. She is weak and becoming quite weary. I spend alot of time with her...even spending many nights with her. I know she appreciates all of your good thoughts and prayers for her comfort and safe passage at this time. She continues to love her quilt that so many of you participated in making....and she calls it her "Love Quilt." It has comforted her through many chemotherapies over the last months. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and caring for her.
Wishing all of you the very best in the coming months, I remain always,
your friend in stitching,
Deb--Lavender Rose