Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New 2009

To hail in the coming new year, Nicole (of Nicole's Needlework...formerly Nicole's Island Breeze on my sidebar) and I met for some visiting time. We had a great time shopping at our favorite, half-way point, cross stitch shop, Golden Needle.
Nicole, as always, goes straight for the linens....I go for the charts, usually. This time I went with her to the linens, then we both did a quick flip through Shepherd's Bush. They are one of our mutual favorites. This time we chose "Pumpkin Hill," and I wonder who will actually stitch it this year?
At lunch later, we talked about all of YOU!!! LOL

Nicole did buy some scrumptious fabrics in the end. I ended up with one meager piece called "Chai Tea" to do Mirabilia's "Trick or Treat Fairy." It's just showing underneath all in the pic above.
Aside from our SB piece, I got the Jeannette Douglas "My Stitching Treasures" to go in a box I need to top. Nicole found a copy of "Quakers and Quilts" by Rosewood Manor...which I already have...but this one had the really awesome "Valdani" threads in the packet. I had contacted Valdani trying to get the threads, but with no luck, so I was jumpin' for these threads. Cathy, Golden's owner, was a dear to sell them to me out of the "Q & Q" packet. Nicole says we should just sit them on a shelf and look at them, not really stitch with them. I'm inclined that way myself. Don't know how well you can see them above.
I was fortuneate enough to have stitched my wreath and initials & date before the surgeries hit me, for our Quaker Friendship Sampler RR. I just wanted to show you the picture. I do get some things done! LOL

Won't it be fun in the new year to have a fresh start at stitching again?

Nicole and I can testify to the fact that getting together with good stitching friends is as good as it gets. I hope any of you who are coming my way, or who want to meet somewhere in FL in 2009, will get in touch.

Happy New Year!!! Hugs, Deb

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Blessings

A gift from dear Harmien just after my last surgery! :) She knows when to hit 'em!!

Thank you each and every one who left comments on my blog, they were like Christmas cards to me over the holidays. Wow! I was overwhelmed when I read them tonight. I feel so lifted up and cheered up in my heart. Thank you so much for caring.
We had a good Christmas with Jessica, Kellan and K's dad, who made a beautiful and delicious Christmas Eve dinner for us. Jessica always likes to open presents on that we opened Kellan's gifts. He played for about an hour with the little cars I got him. We couldn't believe it and just laughed at him. He is teething and now has 2 teeth that he loves to bite my finger with! :) He was truly our Christmas blessing this year. And, another thank you goes out to all of you friends who prayed for Jessica and Kellan last year. We believe your love and prayers made a difference.

Here he is in his Halloween dragon outfit! Christmas pics aren't out yet.

I was spoiled this year with several gifts and cards!! Harmien sent me not only the darling thread ring, and the Old World Santa ornament at the far right above. Thank you so much, Harmien, I'm sufficiently spoiled!! :)

Barbara sent a beautiful card and well wishes. Patti (Queenie) from England, sent me a gift certificate for Stitching Bits and Bobs! Clare of our Quaker Friendship RR sent a lovely card. Jenn (Jenn X), a dear reading friend as well as a stitcher, offered me a book for the down times!! LOL Deb of Cat Tails made a darling Christmas card! Giulia sent a gorgeous card via email that she had created. Juls from NV called and we had a great talk. My dear Neighborhood RR friend, Wendy...whom I just love to pieces, sent a card and note. And so did Anne of Feather Stitching..from Australia..we all love Anne! Not to mention so many that have written emails back and forth with me. Nicole of (Charleston...) and I are meeting tomorrow for some friendship time.

I'm one lucky lady in friendships. Thanks so much to you!

My latest purchases for stash are:

Mirabilias: New Mermaid and "Opulence" (thanks to Patti!) And, I had to have all of the C.Cricket Dickens collection. Jessica spotted me for Christmas by telling my DH that I just wanted money for cross stitch. And, the dear man came through, so Nicole and I will be shopping tomorrow at the Golden Needle in Port Charlotte.

'nuff said...I'm off to bed. With love and warmest wishes for all, Deb

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Survived The Resection Surgery!!!

Ha!!! I'm 3 weeks out from the horrid resection surgery and am feeling stronger every day. I'm so thankful for all of your notes and prayers and good thoughts over the past months as I've fought through this awful, and truly exhausting situation. As I get my strength back, it's unbelievable to me just how truly drained of energy I've been with the constant infection in my body!

Now I feel so grateful to be getting better. I'm also so grateful to Giulia, Harmien, Barbara, Annemarie, Jenn, Wendy, Marie, and Jinger who stayed particularly close as friends and kept my spirits up. Thank God they understood and were there for me in one of the lowest times of my life.

I feel so blessed by those friends who took the time to write a note of love and support to me on my last blog. What would I have done without your encouragement and friendship? Thank you so much for caring and sharing your experiences to let me know I could do it and stitching would go on!!

Truly, this is such a blessed Christmas holiday which you all have made for me. I hope you each receive every blessing and joy back 100 times for all you've meant and done for me.

Love, hugs and a wonderful winter holiday!