To hail in the coming new year, Nicole (of Nicole's Needlework...formerly Nicole's Island Breeze on my sidebar) and I met for some visiting time. We had a great time shopping at our favorite, half-way point, cross stitch shop, Golden Needle.
Nicole, as always, goes straight for the linens....I go for the charts, usually. This time I went with her to the linens, then we both did a quick flip through Shepherd's Bush. They are one of our mutual favorites. This time we chose "Pumpkin Hill," and I wonder who will actually stitch it this year?
At lunch later, we talked about all of YOU!!! LOL
Nicole did buy some scrumptious fabrics in the end. I ended up with one meager piece called "Chai Tea" to do Mirabilia's "Trick or Treat Fairy." It's just showing underneath all in the pic above.
Aside from our SB piece, I got the Jeannette Douglas "My Stitching Treasures" to go in a box I need to top. Nicole found a copy of "Quakers and Quilts" by Rosewood Manor...which I already have...but this one had the really awesome "Valdani" threads in the packet. I had contacted Valdani trying to get the threads, but with no luck, so I was jumpin' for these threads. Cathy, Golden's owner, was a dear to sell them to me out of the "Q & Q" packet. Nicole says we should just sit them on a shelf and look at them, not really stitch with them. I'm inclined that way myself. Don't know how well you can see them above.
I was fortuneate enough to have stitched my wreath and initials & date before the surgeries hit me, for our Quaker Friendship Sampler RR. I just wanted to show you the picture. I do get some things done! LOL

Won't it be fun in the new year to have a fresh start at stitching again?
Nicole and I can testify to the fact that getting together with good stitching friends is as good as it gets. I hope any of you who are coming my way, or who want to meet somewhere in FL in 2009, will get in touch.
Happy New Year!!! Hugs, Deb