In the distress of my horrendous pain in my neck, right shoulder, arm and fingers :{ I took to designing this week. Here's part of the DMC color palette. I was just in too much pain to find the rest of the colors in my stash so far. The chart, which is called "Stitching Girl with Dog" is seen partially in the upper right corner. I wanted to give it to you here as a freebie. Alas, I'm computer challenged, and I can't get it scanned and transported to my blog!! Rats! Though I haven't proofed it yet by stitching it, if any of you want a copy of the chart and instruction sheet, please just comment here or email me, and I'll send you one. It's a medallion, and I plan to design more of this little stitching girl.

Here is Karen's finished block for her Neighborhood RR. I added a strange little hedggie who climbed up to the roof and got stuck between the chimneys!! A big pink & raspberry bird...and some rain showers under a happy blue cloud. Thanks for all of your suggestions. Hope Karen likes her block! Now it's flying off to Bine's house where she'll add the last block before it all returns home to Karen!!
Must get off the computer and save my arm! Have happy weekends, everyone. Love and hugs to you all, Deb