Here's my shadow getting in the way of the picture again, but a quick pic of my nearly finished "Amour." I've enjoyed this little one which is getting me back in the stitching mood. I've been off my stitching high lately..... in a slump, I'm afraid. When I look at my beloved things, I just sigh and turn on the tv. This is NOT GOOD!!!!
A picture of my little Yorkie, Clara, copying how mommy has been camped out on the sofa on a quilt these days!! LOL She lounges with me....Jessica's baby shower was lots of fun. We are still waiting for the pictures so I can post them for you. I'm as anxious as anyone to get them!!! She and I have been shopping for baby Kellan's things and have sorted all his little onesies and clothes. He has an adorable room waiting for him. We will take pics once his crib is up this week. Jessica is 5 weeks away from her C-section!! She's heavy with baby!!
She and I kitted up two Noah's Ark charts on Thursday afternoon. One is a Homespun Elegance (older chart) and the other is PS. We tried to get as much GAST and Weeks threads in them as possible. You should have seen us up on my very high 4 post bed with a humongous bag of DMCs and Anchor flosses, GAST rings, and boxes of Weeks ...and conversion charts!!!
DH yelled from the family room..."Are you two buying more stitching things?" could we, we were hardly able to move!! LOL It was lots of fun until Jess couldn't move (literally) and had to roll off the bed to sit on the sofa at the foot of the bed and scan threads over her shoulder! Now she's calling me every other hour to see if I've stitched the Ark yet! Pressure.....:[
Here above is the Ark chart from Homespun Elegance. It may be out of print. I couldn't find it to link to it for you.
Here is the PS Ark. Jessica wants Noah dressed traditionally instead of a Santa Noah on this Ark, too. So, I'll be changing the ark a bit to less Christmassie.More this weekend! Hopefully babyshower pictures! Hugs, Deb